Sabine Zondervan - Personal Trainer

Sabine has been a personal trainer since 2019 and has completed a wide range of education courses including Fit vak A+B, Milo performance & education (EQF level 4) and a Pre&post-natal course via Sterkher. She is focused on giving guidance on correct form, coaching on technique and building a personal connection with all her clients. She does this with a smile and with a lot of humor.

One of Sabine’s specialisations is helping women in a safe way during pregnancy to stay strong and build a good posture and to get their endurance and strength back after pregnancy.

Having started her career teaching group classes such as HIIT, WOD and strength training, you can still find Sabine coaching a few full-body strength classes at Double Shift every week.

Training intensively 6+ times a week herself gives Sabine the stamina and energy needed for all the summer festivals where she likes to let off steam.

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Sabine Studio 2